Herbal Medicine is the use of plant-based medicine to assist the natural healing process within the body. Herbs and Nutritional supplements can help to prevent and treat illness and disease. They are useful for reducing deficiencies associated with diet or from the use of pharmacy drugs, eg: vitamin B12 deficiency due to Losec or metformin
Uses for Herbal Medicine & Nutritional Supplements
- Aid in the prevention and cause of illness and disease
- To assist in the reduction of:
- Fatigue/Tiredness
- Headaches/Migraines
- Joint aches and pain
- Indigestion/Heartburn
- Abdominal bloating
- PMS/Menopause symptoms
- Constipation/Diarrhoea
- Autoimmune conditions
- Fertility problems
- and much much more…
- Other signs and symptoms associated with illness and disease that drugs are used to treat
- To support you body in healing itself
How may you benefit from a consultation with a Qualified Natural Medicine Practitioner?
As part of a comprehensive wellness plan, nutritional supplements and herbal medicine can work effectively encouraging you to gain optimal health and well-being by
- Being able to cope with stress better by supporting your body during these times
- Practitioner only products at therapeutic doses achieve better results
- Professional advise and support for enhancing your wellness
- Helping to avoid the side effects and nutritional deficiencies associated with taking pharmacy medicines
- One on one support with your journey to wellness