
Production and Product Quality
Products that use superior raw materials and avoid damaging manufacturing techniques represent superior value. Metagenics insistence on quality is renowned and we continually hear the accolade: “Metagenics products work!”
- Sponsoring innovative nutritional and Natural Medicines research.
- Maintaining a full-time team of 30 personnel directly involved in technical writing, product research and product development.
- Joint development and information sharing with Metagenics U.S.A.
- Constant assessment of manufacturing techniques and investment in up-to-date technology, ensuring the highest manufacturing standards.
- Insistence on only the purest, most effective ingredients. The results of such stringent standards are evident in the superior quality of our products.
By conducting innovative nutritional research, applying the best manufacturing technology, and providing high quality products and educational support, Metagenics is helping New Zealanders aspire to, and achieve, optimal health.

Evidence based natural medicines – It is the goal of the Heel company to validate the therapeutic efficiency of the products they manufacture. Very few natural medicines have actual clinical testing on actual products. More interesting is the fact that Heel will test the therapeutic efficiency of their most important products not only against placebo but also against known pharmaceutical drugs in similar categories of disease, such is the confidence in this range of products. Heel through extensive research and testing has earned the right to make the claim “evidence based natural medicine”.
For more than 60 years, Heel has offered non interactive, effective and comprehensive therapy with homoeopathy. Drug quality and safety have absolute priority at Heel. In addition to research and development laboratories, Heel operates high tech analytical and microbiological labs for testing of source materials, in-process control of individual production phases, and final control of the finished product.
Recently one Heel product Traumeel S was voted number one injury product in Germany by pharmacists above all products including orthodox medical treatments.

MediHerb – herbal liquid extracts, tablets and capsules
MH EnHance – Nutritional Supplements
Co-founded in 1986 by Associate Professor Kerry Bone, MediHerb is the first choice for health care professionals in herbal products in Australia, New Zealand and USA. In October 2004 MediHerb introduced a new synergistic nutritional product range called MH Enhance designed to complement MediHerb’s herbal range.
Phytomed Herbs
These are liquid herbs (tinctures) that are predominately prescribed and dispensed at Monarch Natural Health. We choose these herbs because Phytomed’s mission statement is “to manufacture top quality efficacious phytomedicine for practitioners, which are as close as possible to the phytochemical make-up of the plants in their natural state, sourcing the raw material for these wherever possible from New Zealand organic growers“. This impressed us and we have seen great results since using these herbs.

The Solgar founding philosophy is Wellness. This means a commitment to quality, innovation and integrity. Solgar insist their products pass uncompromising quality control tests, use only the finest raw materials to ensure potency, purity and authenticity and almost all products are free from sugar, starch, salt, yeast, corn, wheat, gluten and dairy products, preservatives, artificial colours and flavours.
Ethical Nutrients

Ethical Nutrients are recommended because of their superior quality and effectiveness. They are high quality specialized nutritional supplements made from high quality raw materials using superior manufacturing techniques whilst avoiding commonly used fillers. Each supplement comes with a clear guide on use to obtain optimal effectiveness. Ethical Nutrients are of Practitioner quality and can be purchased over the counter without a prescription.
Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Remedies are extremely useful in times of trauma and stress. They are flowers essences that may assist in healing and restoring mental harmony and often preventing physical illness from taking hold. It is a simple safe and effective way for a person to address their emotional state in a holistic way.
Dried Herbs
St John Wort
Herbal teas and formulas can be made to suit any condition and budget. Dried herbs are easy and effective for yourself and for horses.